It's been almost seven years since I've had Neha in the studio and a lot of things have
changed. Neha is an Intuitive Instant Healer and Spiritual Coach and Mentor
Speaking with Neha was a great insight into what she actually does how important healing can be.
With lockdown coming up to the 6-month mark and a second recession in the midst, mental health for most is in a rapid decline. Support for one another is becoming more important than ever and Neha is a step ahead of the game when it comes to peace.

With ambitions to grow a community of people, all yearning to reach their higher selves; Neha created a Facebook Group (Neha's Mira Outrageous Healing) and a website (, and the rest is history.
As I am still unable to get into the 'official' studio, I am still broadcasting from the comfort of my living room. My partner, Joe, joined me for the second half of the show for his first appearance on radio!
Hope you enjoy the show! Next month we'll be talking about Lockdown and how it has affected the normal things we do.
Don't forget you can tune in every 4th Wednesday of the month, on the one and only K2K Radio.
Until then, Keep Safe
George Allowit